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Michelle Pesonen

Life & Legacy Coach

The Conscious Coaching Experience
Being the Gift
United States
Ft. Lauderdale
Women Living On Purpose

Michelle Pesonen, CEC ELI-MP, is a writer, speaker, and lightworker who is passionate about self-mastery, personal growth, and empowering others to live their best life and leave a legacy of pure positive impact. She is a Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, and the creator of the Heal, Manifest, Flourish Signature System. Michelle loves to bring a divine spiritual essence to her coaching, and combines alternative modalities such as NLP, Emotional Release, Touch for Health, Dream Sculpting, Timeline, and Angel Guidance, which enhances her traditional coaching practices.

Coaching and empowering women to heal and fully align with their destiny. Leaving a legacy built on a foundation of love and pure positive impact, and to consciously raise the vibration of the planet… one person at a time.

I prefer to work personally one on one and in smaller client groups and masterminds. I am known for my empathetic nature and willingness to go deeper…and at the same time always having a lighthearted approach.

I truly believe that when we allow ourselves to heal that we ultimately set ourselves free. This is the place where real creativity and true love come from. This is the place I strive to live at any given moment and hope the same for you. That’s why I am here and I look forward to connecting:)

The book and the title “Women Living on Purpose” was absolutely in divine alignment with my souls work. I choose to live my everyday with intention and purpose and have fun doing it.

Growth and Contribution are my spiritual needs and this is where I have the most fun. Learning and growing and sharing these pearls of wisdom with you.

I do this work because I want to…not because I have to. It’s my calling and souls purpose and I am here to serve in a big and fun way!

If you are ready to explore that dream and leave a legacy of pure positive impact then I may be just the right coach for you. Please apply for a one on one discovery session through my website at I’m happy you are here:)

“Pain is Inevitable…Suffering is Optional”. Gandhi

Kittens, Kittens, and more kittens! And puppies too!
I love painting animals and landscapes and pastels and acrylics are my favorite mediums.

I’m an avid traveler. And even though my grass is super green, it hardly gets a chance to grow under my feet!